Friday, April 3, 2009

Robots Sack Sack Life

Story about a Robot, 3/30

whirrs and clicks cough
so quietly from silver skin
rough and flaked
like kissing chapped lipped
from the small robot
learning new things
from shiney round disks
stuck inside slits that was not sexy

robots are too logical afterall

of the many new things he learned
by inspecting his contents
(which is much easier of your brain
is linked in wires and spinnig) was how
to write a letter with a little paperclip
to help

robots rarely consider writing letters

scratching new ovals and lines
binary into his insides bloodless
words dripped from electronic
mind mass and formed
a nice letter looking
for a printer friend to make
black stains on macintosh white

paperless labratory conditions soon became self aware

inside the robot the hums crunched
numbers (mostly 0's and 1's) concluding
that the best place to make this letter
be squeezed
born through a printer
a place the robot learned was called

libraries (not dll which at first was

trouble) on wheels and never seeing sunlight
through filtered video lenses tracking
himself through invisible wireless
connection he found his way to the library where

many people had never seen a robot

printing 5 cents a page but
what use does a robot have for money
and back outside he rolled through heavy metal
double doors
and begged nickels from squishy pale skin sack
people who don't know

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