Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More of last nights stuff

I guess kind of builds a little on what I wrote last night

Men still live their lives in darkened
blue suits covered in the battery acid
toilet water of spring saturday hang
overs a layover in Pheonix where you think
quiet thoughts like you never had your one
that got away and the stale taste of decaying air
port and a red state away from the tired bones
of your empty cincinatti

women are trouble but you see a white sign
in the bitter broken back
glass of a red ford-something saying
women don't shoot people
cares keep coming down vine
whining like the horses they long since replaced
inside the gray and black days
maybe kids of the future will wonder what the world was like
when there was a bad economy and HDTV
in the gravel-voice of tires treading on gray
scattered and rocky ground you know you came
from between sweaty white trembling thighs and mothers insides
and hate that you stretched to break
that little cradle of shattered lace
and the simple symmetry of such an organ