Sunday, April 12, 2009

2 in 1; 11 and 12/30

Over 1/3 of the way done

i am jesus multicutural
online uploaded
and 100,000 downloads a day
all long hair and tight white t-shirt
cuts in the knees of my jeans
blood running down my legs and down
my red stained socks

but i never saw your face crushed
on little white stones
dirty razor blades cling to ratty wet
forehead and black hair and cant tell
if you hung on a cross or even came
or understand such a thinly outlined idea
called getting saved

love poem

no korean amature
half way lit poor quality
grainy black and silver and green
and gray sort of porno plays
on the back illumination of your
computer screen want to talk you
out of doing that and just lay
on the floor full of rag water
rum bitters sours
cokes and laughter and sweet
sixteen vestal virgin
cum in our ears and whiter shade of pale
carpet between our hands and old dead
skin beneath our nails
and our hair and fingertips stained
black and open our mouths
and shed our flaked scaled skin like rattle snakes
and moth wing moonlight flocks
to our eyelids im
soft like a clams tongue
and you dont

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