Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today has been a good day.

Today at work I listened to a Neko Case concert from NPR that has been sitting in my podcasts on my work laptop for a few weeks. Then I looked up when she would be playing close to me: July 25th in Nashville. It would be nice to get away for a while. It would be nicer to get away with someone special.

I also think Nashville is a very pretty town. I would like to drink with someone special in Nashville, let the cool and calm water of the river cover our night-time selves. We could keep a bed warm, together.

Neko Case mentioned a book, "In Watermelon Sugar," as the inspiration for the song Margret Vs. Pauline. It's a story written in a strange way, a very simple common kind of way that I feel I'm emulating too much. Sometimes when I spend a lot of time with something I can help but put all my words and thoughts in that form for a couple of hours afterward. Hopefully later tonight I will forget all about watermelon sugar and write my normal way, because I've been hoping to get a few things written.

The book is about a man, the narrator, and his love interest Pauline, and his ex-lover Margret. The thing I hate about love stories is the way they remind me of all those interesting electric tingling feelings that come with new love and comfortable love. Love is interesting, I think I write about it more than I think about it, and when I do write about it I sound like I desire those feelings. Sometimes I do, but usually not. I really used to, really really. Life is strange that way.

I'd rather write something interesting, like a story or a poem, than this boring little blurb about my day.

I would like to continue to post "My Quirky Novel" posts, even though I don't really have any kind of intentions of linking the story together. Maybe I'll see where that narrative goes, but I never think about the over-arching story really. Mostly I use it to sit down and brainstorm and practice, but I find that I don't have the time for that every day. Still, I feel I'm staying creatively busy, so that's good.

But I do like Lee. She's an interesting character to write about, I think.

I'm going to let the story continue, but let the inconsistencies persist.

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