Friday, January 30, 2009

A Poem About Andre Codrescu - Rough Draft

I don't know how happy I am with this, but I got to play around with the formatting and stuff, so that was fun.

I hope it shows up:

Marketing Andre to Conservative America

america loves the “badguy” thing
so when you said he fled his home country
in 1965 really hit that he left the communist
regime for US; because we make movies about that
the good guy
puts a bullet
in the bad guy
bashed the poor sap’s head off
and the auplause
rains down
and spaltters
all around the theatre
none of them care who’s dead or where
Sibiu is.

forget the fact that when he arrived he howled
with some “hippies” in East Villiage and beat
his drum with a steady pace
because they’re redwhiteandblue
and those colors don’t run
as long as there’s a war
and they ain’t the one’s
never let them hear he was born
a jew. america doesn’t understand that six sided
star and say they can’t eat pork
unless a rabbi
kills it right.

and say he wrote books,
more books that you could read
in one life
even though his true love
was a haunting
and other authors came and wrote
on her flesh and even with all the sexual
sounds coming
together pieces at a time
america still wouldn’t be able to get it

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